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Georgia Christian School, like the rest of our community, took a beating from Hurricane Helene.  Thanks to the Herculean efforts of Deland & Bonnie Guthrie, Jerad Bennet, David Brown and others, much of the debris has been moved.  While there is more to do, we have had many reach out that want to help GCS that cannot physically be on campus.  We have set up a way for people to give to the school online or they can send a check to the school for Hurricane Helene Relief.  Please share with as many as possible; we've even had people from Alaska wanting to support the relieve effort!  

God provides opportunities for us every day to grow our faith and serve our fellow man.  Let's take advantage of this and let our Christian light shine in how we treat each other; especially during potentially overwhelming situations!  He will bless our efforts to serve Him as long as it is in tune with His will!  "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might!" Eph 6:10


Georgia Christian School has survived for 100 years because good people have been willing to give of their means. GCS has been the setting for countless memories of so many people throughout the world. As we stand on the shoulders of those who helped us get this far, we need your help to continue our founders' mission. When you give to our Annual Fund Endowment, our Scholarship Endowment or towards a capital project, you can be sure that your donation is going to impact children’s eternal destiny!  Memorial donations can be made online as well (Online Giving).

Ways to Give

Cash or Check:  Cash gifts are the simplest and most common form of giving to the school. You will receive a charitable tax deduction that will provide you with savings on this year's tax returns. Checks should be made payable to Georgia Christian School.

Company Matching Gifts:  A number of companies have matching gift programs in which the company matches gifts made by employees.  Check with your company to see if they have such a program.  Many of these programs require proof of accreditation before they will make a matching gift.  Contact the school for this information. 

Securities:  A gift of securities, including stocks or bonds, is an easy way to make a gift.  By making a gift of your appreciated securities, you can avoid paying capital gains tax that would otherwise be due if you sold these assets.

Real Estate:  A gift of real property (such as your home, vacation property, vacant land, farmland or ranch or commercial property) can make a great gift. If you own appreciated real property, you can avoid paying capital gains tax by making a gift to Georgia Christian School. 

Gift of Insurance:  A gift of your life insurance policy is an excellent way to make a gift to us. If your life insurance policy is no longer needed or will no longer benefit your survivors consider making a gift and help further our mission.

Contact the school for more information about giving to GCS.  All gifts help us fulfill our mission of providing a Christian environment for students to grow spiritually, mentally, and physically.

Now you can donate your way!  Click on the link below and choose the area you wish to donate (Presidential Giving Club, Scholarships, Athletics, or Capital Projects).  You can also choose "monthly payment" to make it a recurring donation!  Thank you for helping us change lives one at time for over 100 years.

Donation Link