This is a very important time in a child’s life. It is a time of transitioning, a time when they are trying to determine who they are. With smaller class sizes (avg of 18), our fully certified staff provides an atmosphere full of Christian values in which children have a chance to develop without being just a number. Students are challenged academically and take several educational field trips throughout the year. There are many active learning projects and activities to build camaraderie and confidence among these students to prepare them for high school. Our curriculum is based on national standards and taught from a Christian perspective. Additionally, there is a focus on incorporating technology into daily instruction. Students have Bible and attend chapel on a daily basis.
The Middle School program at GCS helps transition students from the Elementary stage of their lives into more self-sufficient students. The classes are mostly contained within one building, isolating them from the high school and elementary. Our new Joe Virgil Dasher Middle School Building (2018) has been such a welcome addition to our growing Middle School. The students move from class to class within their grade level, which makes for a very unique and cohesive class experience. We uphold high standards of behavior and educational values for each student. The students attend academic studies, electives, and Bible classes within our building and join the high school students for Chapel and lunch.